Sunday, April 30, 2017


There are a lot of types of Zones on Earth. Climate Zones come to mind. What I find of interest are Global Winds and Global Zones of high or low pressure.

The horse latitudes got their names because this is where horse's died and their bodies were thrown overboard. It is a region of very dry air.

The equator was named the Doldrums because sailors felt tired and listless in the low pressure. Low air pressure usually generate a tired feeling. This is probably why it is so nice to sleep on a rainy day.


  1. Fascinating factoids about the zones! The Challenge was fun, but I'm ready for a rest. What about you?
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  2. Fascinating factoids about the zones! The Challenge was fun, but I'm ready for a rest. What about you?
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  3. Hi Ann - not sure I like the dead horse bit ... but it's the way 'sayings' came into the language. Fascinating to see this without the dead horses! It's always interested me how early peoples travelled - if the Vikings travelled to Canada then they'd go via Scotland and on with the Poland Easterlies ...

    Congratulations on finishing the A-Z - cheers Hilary


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